What is our TRUE IDENTITY? This question has
perturbed many a moment of peace and bliss in my life! And I am sure it must
have often plagued your thoughts as well.
Is my identity defined by my name? Is my identity the aggregate of my physical
and mental being - as the others perceive me? Is my identity defined by
the many roles I play? Is my identity that of a daughter, sister, friend, wife,
mother, writer, entrepreneur, or all these taken together? So, was my identity incomplete when I
was not a sister, a wife or a mother? Strangely, I never felt incomplete or
lacking in any which way when I was not playing
any or all of these roles! So what is my 'True Identity'?
My true identity is that of a seed that has within itself the tree – pure and complete.
My true identity is the same and reflects that from whom I
originate. All creation - living and non-living (so called) - originates from
GOD. So, my true identity is Godlike –
wholly spiritual. My true identity naturally and continuously follows the God's law of progress. Love a synonym for God, enables me to
progress at all times. It keeps at bay the negative emotions of fear, anger,
anxiety, depression and even sickness. The presence of Love allows me to grow
and fulfill the purpose of my life. Thus, Love is my 'true identity'. Dwelling
in unconditional Love that is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, I am the
image of my Creator - perfect, pure, pristine and potent.
Love is the only substance that fulfills the
scientific law that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Hence, I
continue to receive love (which each of us reflects as His image and likeness)
from my dear ones even when they are separated from me, through time and space.
I still feel the love of my grandparents enveloping me, even when they have
passed on. I still feel the love of my parents surrounding me, although they
live physically away from me.
So, the litmus paper test for me to know
whether I am able to understand and manifest my true identity of Love is to
check my state of living. I am separated from my true identity when I experience
anger, fear, hatred or anxiety or any of the non-godlike emotions. I can then
and there, overcome these errors by focusing on Love thereby dwelling in my
true and natural identity and live the life of bliss.
Charity begins at home, so before I
project Love to those around me, I have to manifest Love for myself. I have to
remember at all times that despite being a drop in the ocean, I carry the ocean
within me. As each drop in the ocean projects the traits of the ocean,
likewise, we all as His creation, reflect His quality of LOVE – our 'True
(P.S.- Next time we shall talk about How to
love ourselves?)