Wednesday 20 March 2013


Well, it has been a long time since I last posted. But that is because I have been under the weather and quite literally so!
This allergic reaction to the changing weather has cost me my peace of mind!

It has cost me my vital senses of TOUCH, SIGHT, SMELL, HEARING, TASTE and even the Sixth SENSE of INTUITION!

It has become a herculean task for me to speak two coherent sentences without any sneeze in between them. I am either rushing to finish my sentences(gulping away any sneeze that erupts midway) or end up finishing a couple of the sentences in a duration of five minutes!

Well, what do I do in those five minutes? I finish the ordeal of unsuccessfully suppressing a sneeze that eventually comes out with double the force. I wipe my nose, which by the way has come to resemble a fully ripe, golf-ball sized, waiting to burst RED TOMATO! After having borne the physical strain, my mental faculties try to fathom my situation, which I lose track of, the moment I SNEEZE!

My eyes are glassy and bloodshot. I have even been hauled up by a traffic police-woman for DRUNK DRIVING in BROAD DAYLIGHT! I have started wearing sunglasses, although the situation is very grim.

I cannot smell, I even gulped down some blue-coloured kerosene thinking it to be my favourite bubbly, BLUE LAGOON MOCKTAIL! My taste buds and the gutts mocked me for sure after that!

My ears can hear a constant 'TING' in them. I cannot hear myself so I shout in my shrill alien voice which is like Chinese radio mixed with Thai  FM for others.

NOW I know why others are avoiding me like the PLAGUE! (Speaks volumes about my intuition by the way.)

I have lost my appetite also! Everything tastes like chalk!

Oh I am so HOME-SICK and miss my mum's cooking and my father's caressing words!

I know I sound so DESPERATE....but that is what I am right now.

I think I should end my post now before it goes out of hand and out of the nose literally.

P.S. I sneezed 27 times to write these few lines.

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