Wednesday 24 July 2013


It is that time of the year again......So much of mush, clouds oozing Love and the light scented Breeze...? Well, all these are getting just too much for me!

I am yearning to be a teenager again and feel the virgin pangs of LOVE!

I want to dive into the vortex of emotions where all sense loses meaning and purpose. Let me be a fool in love, may be just for this blog!

I feel that rush in my bosom when my eyes meet his for the first time. It is instant, the way our bodies tilt to each other even when we are not talking to each other; even when we are standing in a group. An invisible thread tethers us.

The first meeting has taken place, the numbers have been exchanged, the words have flirted and the looks have spoken the unsaid........

Now the wait begins for that call or that message that lets me know that I am still in his thoughts somewhere.
And Voila! As if the Universe has answered my prayers.....He calls and wants to meet me, on some pretext of course. Because he too knows, although he has me wound around his finger, yet he has not claimed my heart and declared his love.

This whole game of being wooed and pursued leaves me with a million butterflies in my stomach. I walk, talk and appear in an eternal trance.

I get ready to meet him, trying to look my best. I flutter my eyes and giggle a notch higher just so that, I can illicit the words of love from his lips.Our eyes meet for a second and there is Love.

We steal glances at each other, our finger tips touch while exchanging books and my heart skips a beat! The whiff of moist air is laden with his scent and his physical being just a few hand-widths away push me deeper into his spell !

Oh! My heart is going to explode into smithereens and each bit will crave him, call out to him and love him!

We talk to fill up the silence and leave awkwardly after a rushed rendezvous.

The wait begins yet again to meet the love ......

I love this feeling of helpless bliss, I LOVE LOVE!!!


  1. Love is so intoxicating. You have to pity those who never experience it, even if only for a short time. Our lives are poorer without it. Do we become bitter in middle and old age because we see it slipping from our grasp? Yet, to have it again, even if momentarily, is to be renewed like flowers in the spring. :)
